Vertical Herb, Fruit or Vegetable Gardens

Space Saving Greenery

Why not extend you new found love of greenery to the outdoors, by creating a vertical, edible, living garden. Creating your very own edible wall will help reduce pollution and protect our planet. Vertical gardens are the ultimate solution without sacrificing precious floor space. Not only will your edible wall look aesthetically pleasing it will also provide a fresh supply of herbs, fruit or vegetables. The choice is yours!

Benefits to Children

The importance of food journeys and how far food has traveled before it reaches our plates is becoming ever more apparent. Children will learn how they can make better food choices for the environment by reducing food miles. The children can play their part in selecting which herbs and vegetables they would like to grow for their school and then have the opportunity to taste the produce that they have helped nurture and grow. The benefits of children understanding the process by which certain foods are produced will not only encourage them to find out where more of their food comes from but will also give them a great sense of achievement when reaping the rewards for something that they have grown, watered and cared for.

Growing food takes time and patience. Children can learn about delayed gratification and the rewards of hard work. This will allow children to experience the process of growing and harvesting and develop an appreciation for the hard work and care that goes into producing the food they eat.